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The immense power to turn around, which will take you to the brink of success


First of all, I would like to start writing today by wishing you all the best, because I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

When you set your goals and you will work hard every day for that, each will give up all the satisfaction of the moment, when your friends insist on taking them with you, then you will not say over their faces. When everyone thinks of you in one room, when everyone sees your hard work you will start to think you are crazy, and one by one you have to stop from all around, If they want to throw you into the river they will make you think that if you can't do it people will laugh at you.
 If all your efforts fail, if everyone leaves you, you have to take their words out with one ear and out with the other, when everyone wants to push you out of your dream path,you may not be able to cope with the pressure, maybe you will lie down but then you will see them win before your eyes. 
You will see envy in their eyes, they will want to keep you down, and only then will you create your own courage, your own stubbornness, You will strengthen your morale.

 Turn around, turn around to move forward again, to break down all obstacles to stand. Will stand by to show everyone his true nature, every hardship and sorrow will turn to strength. This time you are stronger, you are more fearless, you are more industrious, every effort of yours to be faithful to yourself has made you more efficient than before.
You have made weapons through the thorns of every path, you have shown the light of infinity to your own limitations, and so all the people around have become more violent. They are also ready to finish you in an instant, they are screaming like a mad dog. They want you to come back, come back to our team, do not insist on being different from everyone else.
They will want to throw you nine thousand times but you have to stand up again, you have to take care of yourself, you have to turn around again when you have a goal, why are you doubting yourself? Why do you think you are small in the words of others? Your dream will be yours if you deserve it, you just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

 And there are some critics standing in that street, some great wise men who have achieved nothing in life. But they want to limit you, but you will set your own limits, improves one's mentality. You are a warrior, you are a murderer, you are obvious, you are Ankush, who will cause grief inside by blowing it up? 

You try, you lose the Creator again and again, but you will turn around, stand up like a warrior, stand up for the sake of your dreams, turn around and break all obstacles in an instant. you can turn around because the one whose dream is yours, that's why the real strong one doesn't cry when someone leaves him. Rather, if you get lost in the path of your dreams by crying, if you stick to yourself no one will be able to break you because every time they try to break you you will turn around with double strength. 

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people, you don't have a thousand reasons to survive, there is only one dream and there are thousands of obstacles in front of the dream. And you will break down all obstacles because it is your life, you can lose and sit down again and again if you want to. So turn around and turn to your goal.
 Limitations are against virtuous beliefs. Turn around right now, life is in your hands. If you lose once for any reason, remember that there are thousands of faces, thousands of hands to reprimand you, thousands of teeth to clap, so try to turn around again and again before you lose because you are on the field.

Thank you so much for reading my post because you had the patience, just as patiently against all the limitations against all the skeptical comments, turn around now.

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